Thursday, August 30, 2012

Riding on the Aqua Line Breeze

As I was Googling for some information about marathon preparation, I came across an introduction video on the Chiba Aqua Line Marathon. It was aired on Chiba TV quite recently, about a month ago on July 28, 2012. The vieo started with a message from the Chiba Prefectural Governor, Mr Morita Kensaku, a brief compilation of the events that have been and are gonna be held as we head towards the race day, introduction of the race course, introduction on the invited runners and also the local volunteers who are working hard in making this race a successful event.

Chiba Aqua Line Marathon is unique in the sense that it is the very first marathon in Japan whereby runners get to run across the sea, i.e. along the Aqua Line。At the same time they are able to enjoy an 360-degree panorama of the Tokyo Bay. I find that this race is very similar to the Penang International Bridge Run, where running on the Penang Bridge is what that makes the race special.

Various event has been launched so far, including a 1-year and 100-days countdown towards the race day, and the announcement of the official logo and catchphrase for the race, which is“Run Over Chiba, Riding on the Aqua Line Breeze” (ちばを走ろう ~アクアラインの風にのろう~). 

This race attracted as many as 27,310 applications but only 15,000 runners will be selected through a lottery draw. At the same time, approximately 86 runners (54 men, 32 women), who have won various races held in Chiba prefecture have been hand-picked by the organizing body to be part of this race.

One thing that impressed me the most however, is the cooperation given by the local towards this race. There are various voluntary bodies who join in, such as providing spaces to be made water stations, planting chrysanthemum flowers along the road to welcome not only the runner, but everyone who are attending the event, dentists joining the locals by performing Japanese orchestra to cheer the runners.

But the one that stand out was the kids from Sodegaura elementary, junior high and high schoo, who will prepare hand-made flags to cheer and inspire the runners along the roadside. They will also be making onigiri (rice balls) to be distributed to the runners.

Getting to know that all these people are working so hard for this race, it has really pumped even more spirit on myself to train harder and make sure I complete the race.

Indeed, this marathon is the marathon for all – the runners, the supporters, the volunteers, everybody.

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