Sunday, October 21, 2012


Distance: 43.34km
Time: 5:40:10
Average speed: 07:51min/km

Feedback: Completed my first full marathon!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Distance: 0km (5km)
Time: N/A
Average speed: N/A

Feedback: Lunch at high-tea in Shinjuku and abura-soba dinner with Yousuke.


Distance: 0km (20km)
Time: N/A
Average speed: N/A

Feedback: Dinner at ramen with Tomoki.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Distance: 10.50km
Time: 1:00:05
Average speed: 05:43min/km

Feedback: This was one of the most tiring run I had for some time. Probably the fact that I have been running for long distance for consecutive days through the week, had caused the tiredness. Leg muscles were sore as well. 

Anyway, despite all this, managed to record the festest pace so far. Gotta buck up the training pace sooner rather than later as the big day is just less than a fortnight. 

With the sore legs, went to CEATEC 2012 in the late afternoon. Came back with really sore legs lol!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Distance: 0km (7km)
Time: N/A
Average speed: N/A

Feedback: Okonomiyaki dinner with Tomoki at Monpachi

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Distance: 10.0km
Time: 59:13
Average speed: 05:55min/km

Feedback: Target today was 10km and that was exactly what I did. Overall, it was another good run. However, I guess I didn't do proper stretching up (yet again) and my right ankle started to hurt after the fifth kilometer. The wind this evening was quite strong, and chilly as well. Good to get used to the sea breeze I expect to get on Aqua Line I guess.

Gonna be another two week until the big day. Gotta prepare my clothes and equipment soon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Distance: 0km (7km)
Time: N/A
Average speed: N/A

Feedback: Drizzling and decided to take a day off from training.


Distance: 15.1km
Time: 1:34:00
Average speed: 06:13min/km

Feedback: New record! The initial target was 20km, after skipping training for almost a week. But it will be quite a sudden asking to complete that distance. Nonetheless, was quite satisfied with today’s run. Spent some extra time doing proper stretching ups before running, and that really worked wonders during my run. The ankle pain I feel almost every time on my right ankle is not that bad, in fact it was almost not felt throughout the whole run. 

In total, I did three laps at the south course. South course is by the way, the name I created myself for the course I take when I do my training along the Arakawa River. Next long-distance target will definitely be 20km.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Distance: 0km (10km)
Time: N/A
Average speed: N/A

Feedback: Went to see Haru and Shinji.